6/16- MESSAGE BOARD IS HERE! Post what you like, when you like, no set topic, so go crazy!...New counter too... Pages on the way...( Weird Fact of The Week, Gallery, TV worth watching) maybe in the near future...sure, i have the time to spend 3 hrs a day on this but I dont want carpel tunnel...
6/17- Adding new graphics all day for your amusement...also probably will be installing a chat room today...there, go nuts!
6/18- More pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoorah!
6/...28?- I changed the dates ^...they were wrong....Hmm, anyone else think its pathetic that the only ppl to visit this site is ppl that are related to me or friends....*tsk* Sux dont it...:P...Oh, sry about the CH page...I KNOW the pictures dont work, being fixed today...hopefully....
6-29- We have FTP! and some kick ass buttons! Thank you, Thank you...